Tereshkova : the new modular synth from Analogue Solutions.
It's a new version of the well known Vostok The difference between these systems is that instead the matrix patch and the Vu meter , a new LFO, two VCAs and two multiples have been added.
I like the name of these synths....
- Vostok : the name of the Russian Space Program that lead Yurin Gagarin to be be the first man in the Space
- Tereshkova : the surname of the first woman in the space, Valentina Tereshkova.
Tereshkova demo #01: Used with Oberkorn sequencer
Text from the video :- Tereshkova modular synth and Oberkorn sequencer. First ever demo.
Tereshkova demo #02: Messing with the joystick
Text from the video :- Controlling clock speed of sequencer (using VC LFO) and filter cutoff with the joystick.
Tereshkova demo #03: Long evolving demo
- Demo of modular analogue synth Tereshkova.
Tereshkova demo #04: finishing with a tour through the patch cables
Text from the video :
- Demo of modular analogue synth Tereshkova. This is identical to Vostok, except that instead of a matrix panel and VU meter you get 2 extra multiples, 2 extra VCAs and an extra LFO. Otherwise they are the same.
Source :
- Youtube.com ASUKLTD
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